Happiness for some people is a constant fight . Day  after day some of us can loose the sparkle before  even the sunrise.

Be happy or sad it is a choice.you can leave sadness in a second to choose happiness. This is real!!!!the mind has an enormous potential that you can develop right now and you can switch simply thoughts and vibrations as soon you understand you can be happy on you own and you do  not need others actions to fill up you of Joy.

we can do a lots of things every morning! but why not start the night before just say thanks you for the day you had ? Act of gratitude can be very powerful ,  for exemple you can say thank you for the breathing you was able to do to give you life. SAY it FEET it.

Happy people have different good habits in the morning, this is 5 simple things you can do everyday before getting out of bed:

    1 – Open your eyes with a big smile no matter the day you had before. We live in the “now” not in the “yesterday”. If you have a partner by your side you can show your smile .

   2 – Be clear with your intention. Focus on what you want and set your intention for the day. Treat your thought like a magic garden, and all will be in order. Go your thought away from all toxic emotions and People.

   3 – Take 3 long calm , slow deep breaths without any mind wondering . Be neutral 

   4 – Forgive yourself for all mistakes you have done .

   5- Drink a big glass of water. This looks strange but your body to start well needs water . This water will hydrate you and will give you an amazing therapeutic effect on you mood


Accurate Psychic Clairvoyant