I am Venus and i have a special skill and i work everyday on it for the best results. My Psychic Readings are normally oriented on Individuality and Emotional Healing

Since march 2015 i try to do World Predictions. It is very challenging and difficult. Our consciousness is so vaste and unknown It’s worth to try at least. Many of my visions on the world have been very accurate and also fews of them are not 100% clear. MY PREDICTIONS Metrojet Russian airline crash by an terrorist attack: 31th october a russian airplane crashed in Egypt the same day around 2 hours after the crash while all sorts of speculation i made video saying that it was put down by a Jihad suicide (no confirmation yet). The Guardian Please check out my videos , my head was able to see 2 weeks before officials My youtube video ISIS Execute 200 Children: Sadly, 10 november 2015 a video appear online showing Isis execute a lot of children .Daily Star UK 5 april 2015, on my youtube channel, i made a visionary video saying that a “religious” group will kill children ( young souls ) to make the high light on Tv. Youtube channel MH370 a piece have been found on island of La Reunion – plane crash in spain made 4 dead : 9 May 2015 A new Airbus A400M, reportedly developed a fault just after take-off on a test flight crashed in south of spain. BBC NEWS .29th July 2015 Malaysian airline MH370 part have been located in island of La Reunion. DailyMail On the night of 3rd May 2015 i had a troubled dream about a plane crash very soon and the malaysia Airline MH370 will be found . but in my video i did not mention where the plane will be crash . all i know is an airplane crash 6 days later. For the airplane only a piece have been found. My Prophetic Dream Germanwings Crash in French Alps: 40 minutes before the official press conference made by French authorities on live thursday 26th march 2015 a made a video saying that the person who was in command crash the plane voluntary like a suicide . then the same day few hours later i have decided to made another video with all my impressions and feelings about the co #Pilots state of mind and motivations. we heard only 3 days after this official press Conference version by the German Authorities on Monday 29th march 2015. Youtube have modified the date like magic but i have on my channel the same recorded on my Ipad. this is true