Prediction is a difficult art .  Not everybody have this ability.  There is no deep scientific studies about this but only fact and proof in  history that is real because great people have done it and no one can say this is was a scam . Many have done incredible work, the list is very long. 


world prediction
Jules Verne

Jules Verne

In 1865, he described rocket ships and advanced telescopes. All was ” from the earth to the moon”  and he predicted the Us will be 1st men on the moon. He predicted also the name of the ship “Apollo” and the names of the astronauts .



World Predictions

Predicted that London will be on fire in 1666. This actually came true in September 5th 1666 and kill thousand of people. He also predicted that a man named Napoleon de Bonaparte rising power and will be the most important figure in history and will rejected pagan in is empire.


World Predictions
Edgar Cayce

Edgar Cayce

known as the sleeping prophet . He was also well known to predict future events with sparkling accuracy .he predicted the death of Franklin Roosevelt , Martin Luther King, and JF Kennedy .


Ray Kurzweil

world predictions
Ray Kurzweil

In 1998 wrote 147 predictions for 2009. 86% came true like  Automated cars, wifi, Google glasses. Has now predicted that by 2050 humans will be immortal by uploading their consciousnesses to computers


World Predictions
Mark Twain

Mark Twain

written in 1898 from the London Times of 1904, predicted the Internet, worldwide telephoning and live video streaming.


Morgan Robertson

World predictions
Morgan Robertson

in a short story, the title ” Futility or the wreck of the Titan” written by Morgan Robertson 1898, detailed how the biggest ship crash into a iceberg and sank 14 years earlier .


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